Saturday, October 23, 2010

Non-Pee Related Post

So, after all the pee-related frustrations, I realized that I haven't posted much about how things are going on the re-introduction front. Here goes:

Big Acoustic Kitty is really throwing a wrench into things by insisting on spending so much time downstairs. He wants to eat downstairs most mornings, which means that Little Grey Kitty either eats in the studio by himself or out in the hallway by himself. Which, I'm afraid, has just reinforced his notion that the upstairs belongs to him. He and BYHM are still sniffing noses through the gate, but he's gone backwards in his tolerance of BAK. BAK has come up the stairs a few times and LGK makes it known that he really wants him to go away. No hissing or growling, but some mild lunging and paw waving and generally "not happy" body language.

So, all in all ... we're not making any progress yet. (I went back and put "yet" in. I'm trying to stay hopeful.)

1 comment:

  1. Well, it sort of sounds like BAK is generally feeling better, and that's good. Sorry, but "johnny-come-lately" kitties are just going to have to put up with it.


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