Sunday, October 17, 2010


Maybe I should not be quite as upset about this as I am, but ... well, I am.

Yesterday (or maybe it was the day before - things have been busy here lately) I discovered that Little Grey Kitteh had peed all over a pile of papers in the studio. This morning, I discovered that the corner behind the door where he likes to hang out also smells of urine. Now granted, both of these spots were discovered well after the event in question ... both spots were long dry and the smell was only evident after I happened to move some things around and got closer to the source. The spot by the door was actually underneath some other stuff, so I know it's been there for a while. And the spot by the door I could sort of understand - all the pee was at the base of this bookcase that had come up from the basement. If some of the basement smells had come with it, that would explain some of the peeing.

I've cleaned up both places really well and will be keeping a better eye on LGK from now on. I just wish I knew what had triggered it. Did Big Yellow Hallway Monster hang out on the other side of the door and make LGK upset? Was LGK not feeling well one day? Was he just annoyed that I'd left him or shut him back up in the room one day? Did it happen during nicer weather when the windows were open and something outside upset him?

And honestly, I can't be 100% sure that LGK was the one who did it. (Though that's my guess.) The bookcase was there before the studio became LGK's home, so it could have been BYHM. The paper I'm pretty sure was LGK's mess, though.

So ... Amitriptylene (usually prescribed by vets for the treatment of "inappropriate urination") for everybody this morning. I'd been slacking off in giving it to LGK, but that was obviously a mistake. Luckily, LGK and BYHM are much better about taking their medicine than Big Acoustic Kitty is about taking his. They don't like it, but there's none of this "run and hide and pee on people and then run around foaming at the mouth and drooling all over everything" like BAK does.

In other news, "outings" upstairs have become a daily event for LGK, but I think we need to really rev up the re-introductions. There have been a number of mutual nose sniffing sessions through the baby gate at the top of the stairs, and overall they've gone pretty well, but I'm a little worried that LGK is starting to view the entire upstairs as his territory. And if BAK starts feeling worse again and not spending so much time downstairs, that could become a real problem. But, since the Amazing Husbandini is down with a nasty cold and I'm starting to feel that cold-heralding tickle at the back of my throat, too ... well, we'll just see what happens, I guess.


  1. Hang in there ... a house full of human toddlers could definitely be worse.

  2. @Anon - I don't even want to think about it!


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