Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Rolled out of bed late this morning, so the kitties were all sure we'd been eaten by wolves and they'd never be fed again. BYHM went straight into the bathroom and "let" me shut the door on him, then fussed the whole time. Which is fine. Big Acoustic Kitty then decided that if wanted breakfast, he was apparently going to have to get it himself, so he came downstairs and dined in the family room. Finally I managed to bring a plate up to Little Grey Kitty and he's eating it while I type.

So ... been falling down on the job the past couple of days. Nobody's really been wearing their harnesses or meeting the prisoner. Although LGK did get a little bit of an outing last night while everyone else was downstairs. He really wants out of the studio, but the second he's past the door, you can tell he's somewhat on guard. And he can't be out too long, or he overloads a bit. Slow and steady increasing of territory is the way to go, I guess.

We're considering actually putting some kind of a screen door at the top of the stairs so that he doesn't have to worry about BYHM jumping over the baby gate and getting to him. (Because it's not obvious enough that we're crazy cat people.)

That's it for now. Starting tomorrow, I think the daily posts might come in the evenings, or even go up a day late, so that I have something more to discuss than just breakfast. Fishy pudding can only be so interesting.


  1. At the time our baby daughter was born, we had three cats. One of these wanted to keep "Papa" strictly and solely for herself ... no sharing at all. One of them loved everyone in the world ... cat or human. And the third didn't approve of any creature who was not a cat ... including us. As a nervous new mama, I wanted to make sure our baby was safe from any unforeseen cat behavior, so ... We put a screen door in the doorway between the bedrooms and the rest of the house. For the most part, this was an effective way to get the cats acclimated to the presence of baby.

  2. Too bad you couldn't have put a screen door between Lady and the laundry before she got the brilliant idea to start using Dad's shirts as a litter box.

  3. Well, she would have come up with another way to make her extreme disapproval of that "strange kitten" known, I am sure. The screen door, however, did help the situation greatly.


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